PGS Participatory Guarantee System is a certification process that ensures organic products are cultivated in accordance with specific organic standards. In South Africa, local PGS groups operate under the South African Organic Sector Organisation (SAOSO) standard.
The PGS journey begins within communities of organic farmers who, with a surplus to sell, form a PGS. This community-based approach allows farmers to actively participate in the certification process, fostering trust, transparency, participation, social networking, and knowledge exchange.
PGS serves as a second-party organic assurance mechanism, offering an alternative and complementary quality assurance system to third-party certification. Unlike traditional certification methods, PGS relies on the collaboration and mutual support of the farming community.
PGS groups exist worldwide, with some having thrived for over 40 years. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), the global umbrella organization for the organic agriculture movement, actively supports the PGS community of practice. IFOAM advocates for the recognition of PGS by governments around the globe.
The journey of PGS in South Africa exemplifies the power of community-driven initiatives in the realm of organic agriculture. By embracing trust, transparency, participation, social networking, and knowledge exchange, PGS not only ensures the integrity of organic products, but also cultivates a sense of unity among farmers.